What are spiritual boundaries? How can I set spiritual boundaries in my life?

When we make boundaries, we are defining what we are personally responsible for and what we are not; what is ours and what is not; where I end and you begin. Boundaries are limits. Boundaries separate one person, place, or thing from another. They separate our identities, responsibilities, feelings, needs, and issues from other people’s.

A fence protects a vegetable garden from being eaten by animals. Learning to say “no” to something outside your mental and emotional boundaries protects your energy and resources. Physical and sexual boundaries protect your body. Spiritual boundaries are how we protect our spiritual health and maintain boundaries to spiritual energies we do not want to invite into our space.

You do not have to entertain all spiritual entities, all gods or goddesses, all ancestors, all spiritual guides. Just as you wouldn’t invite a serial killer or a bear or a cobra into your home in the earthly realm, so you should have boundaries in the spiritual realm as well. Not all spirits are loving spirits.

Some of the ways you can maintain spiritual boundaries are forming relationships with protective dieties, like the Virgin Mother, Sekhmet or Kali, protective herbs, like rosemary, bay leaves, garlic, or rue, or protective crystals like obsidian or black tourmaline. Salt is very, very protective. Other ways are making sure that you watch the words you use in your prayers. Communication with benevolent ancestors, protective and loving dieties, guardian angels, loving spirit guides and saints, etc.

Just as importantly, it is good to be careful about who’s advice you listen to in the spiritual community. I’ve always been taught to listen to advice twice. Once listen to what is being said, and twice to who said it. Not all spiritual guides are kind, loving, or honest, just like not all people are.

What spiritual boundaries would you like to set? What protective dieties, herbs, or crystals would you like to form relationships with? What do you use for protection in the spiritual realm?


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