The Hamsa

The Hamsa is one of the most easily recognizable symbols of all time with religious and cultural significance in many parts of the world. The Hamsa symbol has many variations, but is commonly depicted with an eye within a hand. The Hamsa is a universal sign of protection, power and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia.

The word Hamsa means five in Hebrew. This symbol is also known by many names. Known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam, Hand of Miriam in Judaism, The Hand of Mother Mary in Christianity, it's believed to protect against the evil eye and and all negative energies. The word “Hamsa” meaning “five,” can represent the five fingers of the hand. For Hindus and Buddhists, it can symbolize chakras, energy flow in the body, the five senses and the mudras that effect them.

When the Hamsa hand faces down, it opens you up to all of the abundance and goodness of the universe, fertility and answers to prayers and manifestations. Often, in this position, the fingers are closed together to bring good luck.

When the Hamsa hand is facing up, it is a universal sign against evil. It is a powerful sign of protection, and shields us even from our own inner thoughts of anger, jealousy, and insecurities. Often, in this position, the fingers are spread apart to ward off evil.


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