Sometimes shit happens so the shift can happen.

If you know me, you know the phrase, rejection is God’s protection, or God’s redirection.

Sometimes, things don’t work out the way we have planned, or the way that we think that we want.  Sometimes, we can’t see the final outcome, but we assume that something “bad” is happening.  We view rejection as a negative, instead of a redirection.  We view a life circumstance as discouraging, instead of an opportunity for faith and progress.  

The truth is, sometimes you have to become so frustrated with the way things are that you are willing to change. Sometimes you have to be shaken out of stagnant, but comfortable circumstances if they are inhibiting your growth.  Sometimes the Tower (things falling apart) is necessary to move your life in a new direction, in the direction that you really want, but may be too anxious or doubtful to pursue.  Sometimes if you are too comfortable, you are not willing to move.  They say, nothing changes if nothing changes.  

How can you lean into the change?  How can you embrace the uncertainty?  How can you embrace the time in between the problem and the solution?  How can you let go?  How can you learn from the “symptom” and let it guide you toward the truth?  

If things are falling apart, you might be shedding some skin, outgrowing you’re circumstances, needing a new environment to support a bigger, stronger, more empowered and authentic version of yourself. 

Can you imagine your ideal life?  If money was not an issue, if your wildest dreams were your reality, what would you be doing differently?  Can you allow yourself to dip a toe into that reality?  Can you imagine that maybe, just maybe, what is happening to you, is happening for your highest good?  

Sometimes shit happens so the shift can happen. Trust the process.


The Hamsa


You can’t pour from an empty cup.