You can’t pour from an empty cup.

It's very important to participate in your own happiness. If you are tired or drained or unfulfilled, it's very hard to be a thoughtful, kind, or positive presence in the lives of those you love. And isn't that where real fulfillment comes in life?

Look at that word "fulfill." Full of what?  Filled with what?  What are the things you would like to full of?  Innocence?  Energy?  Vitality?  Magnetism?  Joy?  Love?  Ecstasy?  Divinity?   Find ways to be full and filled with what matters to you.  The goal always being that the cup can run over. That way, rather than give to others the energy we need for ourselves, we give the excess, maintaining our own "fulfillment." 

There are many ways that we can fill our own cup. Why don't you try making a list? List everything you do or can do to replenish, rejuvenate, renew, and fulfill. I find a lot of power in music. There are certain songs that can lift me right up. List them. What about meditation practices or physical exertions? What about creative practices? How about making a gratitude list? Are there animals in your life? Or children? Can you do something as simple as treat yourself to some ice cream? Are there boundaries that need to be put in place so that you can find the time to give to yourself?  Can you ask for help in any way?  What are the things that make you happy?  How can you commit to yourself to make them happen? 

List your simple joys. And then, get to checking off that list!! Can you do one thing today that brings you joy? You must be your own top priority. You must love yourself first before you can truly love anyone else. Participate in your own happiness! Fill your own cup! So that you can spread that positivity to those around you.


Sometimes shit happens so the shift can happen.


Being Your Own BAE