Tarot Magic - 6 of Cups and Inner Child Healing

I have found inner child work to be immensely rewarding.

Whenever I am desperate to be understood, to be loved, to be seen, to be held, there is usually a small child inside of me who is activated by the situation.

The more gently I can be with myself inside, the more I learn to love the child within, especially the parts of her she perceives as her “faults” (usually because she was taught shame and fear by a caregiver or important person in childhood), the more safe I feel in my body, consciousness, life and world.

I cannot overemphasize the power treating ourselves with kindness and gentleness. And for trauma survivors, of developing a loving inner caregiver to soothe and comfort the activated children inside.

One witchy way to develop the loving inner caregiver for those who may not know what that looks like, is to focus spellwork on finding loving mentors and caregiving mentors. When we have truly loving, non-codependent caregivers we can slowly learn to model inner caregiving after them. Having a loving therapist that can gently assist you in working through these early childhood experiences is also essential in my opinion.

One facet of my practice in witchcraft that is very important to me is the use of Tarot in my magic. I do not only use Tarot for divination. I use Tarot to program my subconscious mind, to affirm using symbols, and to call energetics or egregores from the universe in spellwork.

The 6 of Cups invokes childlike innocence, sweetness, unconditional love and pure generosity. The ability to be open hearted and innocent comes from a place of safety. For those whose childhoods did not include safety, then this is an energetic that must be learned, actively sought after and called in.

Use the 6 of cups on your altar in spellwork that seeks to create safety, generosity and kindness to the child within, in self care spellwork, in self love spellwork, and to call in unconditionally loving, generous, and kind-hearted people into your world.


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