Let’s talk moss 🌿

This is the time of year when the rains nourish our natural soft green outdoor carpet, moss!! 🌿

What are some metaphysical qualities of this lush natural tapestry?

Moss can help us connect to the element of earth, grounding, and anything associated with the underworld. The underworld is known for its ability to transmute, transform, and recycle our energy, fertilizing our earth for abundance, so it is a wonderful place to release through cleansing magic, trusting change comes from letting go. Connections to the underworld are also the domain of the God Pluto, who, in addition to being the God of the dead, is also the God of earthly fertility, and wealth, making moss naturally connected to prosperity.

Because of the softness and carpeted comfort of moss, it can be a great ally to call in self care, self love, and prosperity that is comforting and loving to our most intimate and vulnerable selves.

Moss also does not have a root system, reproducing by means of spores, which speaks to its tenacity, and ability to manifest from seemingly nowhere. In this way, I associate moss with quantum leaps, the ability to change timelines quickly with little effort in the realm of comfort with a quiet nervous system. One of the most important yet underemphasized aspects of manifestation is having a calm nervous system to receive the results of your spells.

Deepak Chopra, in the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, likens intention setting (an aspect of spell casting) to throwing a rock in a body of water. When the water is still and calm, we watch the ripples spread easily and effortlessly from even a small stone. But when the water is a turbulent ocean, even the largest boulder has little effect.

Moss has a natural soft, comforting and calming quality, and as most objects with these qualities, can assist with spells meant to calm the nervous system for magic. Any calming plant, can also be used for protection magic, as safety and calm generally go together.

Additionally, mosses grow in damp areas with low light, again speaking to the quiet, restful places that can produce change. We do not always need to be singing in the sunshine to produce magical results, there is a time and place for seasons of cool wetness and low light as there is a time and place for seasons of warmth and hot sun.

Moss is also a harbinger of the dampness of springtime and therefore associated with growth, growth, growth!! 

How do you incorporate moss into your magical world or how might you like to try?!


Hecate, Mother of Witchcraft, Goddess of Magic


Tarot Magic - 6 of Cups and Inner Child Healing