Welcome to the 3rd Annual October Psychic Festival presented by Psychic Medium Witch, LLC!!

Check out our amazing schedule of events for the month of October with our incredible line up of psychics, mediums, healers, and magical practitioners!!

All events hosted at 1555 Palos Verdes Mall, Walnut Creek, CA.

Discounted Festival Passes Available!!

Choose between two levels of Festival Passes* to take advantage of a discount!!
Get 4 events for the price of 3 at 25% off with our regular festival pass or Buy our VIP Festival Pass and save $111 on 10 paid events and be entered into a Raffle for a FREE One Hour Tarot Reading (valued at $222)!!

*Passes do not apply to free events*

Festival Line Up

Click a date on the calendar to see individual event details.

Scroll below the calendar to learn more about all events and to purchase individual tickets or festival passes.

Each event is limited to 20 participants.
Book your seat today!!

All events are hosted at Psychic Medium Witch: 1555 Palos Verdes Mall, Walnut Creek, CA and begin at 6:00PM unless otherwise noted.

Schedule of events

  • VIRTUAL Ring of Fire Eclipse Release and Road Opener Spell

    VIRTUAL Ring of Fire Eclipse Release and Road Opener Spell

    Tuesday, October 1 at 5:00pm Pacific Time Online via Zoom

    Join Leigh Ann Romano Rogers in this live virtual event for a release and road opener spell and guided meditation during the powerful Ring of Fire Solar eclipse!

    Eclipses are fated times that help propel us toward our destiny. They can move forward intention powerfully and quickly. Eclipses are also especially potent for release, unhexing, cleansing, removal, blockbuster and road opener spells.

    Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA, (she/her) is a professional tarot reader, psychic medium, Italian witch, and the owner of Psychic Medium Witch, LLC, a metaphysical shop in Walnut Creek, CA, who provides spiritual products and services in person as well as online. You can find more at www.psychicmediumwitch.com.

  • Dark Moon Hecate Spell

    Dark Moon Hecate Spell with Leigh Ann Romano Rogers

    Thursday, October 3 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Come experience this Hecate devotional Dark Moon Spell!! 

    Hecate is the Greco-Roman goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, traditionally worshipped at the Dark or New Moon. The New Moon is a convergence of the past and the future, it is the time when we stand in the space between. To the ancients who followed Hekate, this period was divided into two distinct lunar phases: the dark moon, with no visible signs of the moon, and the new moon, when the first sliver appeared.

    The Dark Moon is a time sacred to the worship of Hecate. The New Moon is an ideal time for seeking Hekate’s support for new projects, renewal and rebirth. Come participate in this New Moon magic, honoring the goddess of the crossroads, the keeper of the keys, the goddess of magic, witchcraft, and liminal spaces. 

    Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA, (she/her) is a professional tarot reader, psychic medium, Italian witch, and the owner of Psychic Medium Witch, LLC, a metaphysical shop in Walnut Creek, CA, who provides spiritual products and services in person as well as online. You can find more at www.psychicmediumwitch.com.

  • Medical Intuition: a teaching demonstration with Ramona Webb & Kim Johnson

    Medical Intuition: a teaching demonstration

    Friday, October 4 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Medical intuition is the ability to read energetic information in and around the human body for the purposes of assessment of medical imbalance and to bring potential illness and disease into conscious awareness for healing.

    Come participate in this hands on teaching and demonstration event! 

    Scholar practitioner, teaching performance artist and Afro-Creek queer activist, RaMona "Mona" Laughing Brook Webb,  is a Queer Afro Creek Intuitive Diviner and Legacy Medium who serves as the Assistant Artistic Director of San Francisco's Queer Cultural Center. Mona helps people explore how the cycles of their past are playing out in their present, and how to chart a healthy path to the future. She has the ability to communicate with those who have transitioned in their ancestral line in a spiritually clean and loving session. And her readings are are sprinkled with medical intuition and grounded in bringing a vision of your highest self into fruition. You can contact her at laughingbrookmedium@gmail.com.

  • Evening Sound Bath

    Evening Sound Bath with Jenna Dyer

    Saturday, October 5 at 6:00pm-7:00pm

    Come experience the healing vibrations of sound with Jenna Dyer of Mystic Waves. Jenna will be using crystal bowls and various instruments to create a unique Sound Bath. A full body meditative experience, bringing you to a state of deep relaxation.

    Please wear comfortable clothing. Chairs will be provided or feel free to bring a mat or cushion to lay or sit on. You can also bring a journal if you’d like to record anything that comes up for you in the meditation. 

    Jenna is one of Psychic Medium Witch's resident practitioners. She finds joy in spreading light and love and practices magic, tarot, sound baths, and the healing arts. Her passion for healing and assisting others to feel grounded, loved, and at home has led her to her reiki practice. She is a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner and Tarot Reader. Follow Jenna here

  • Morning Sound Bath

    Morning Sound Bath Jenna Dyer

    Sunday, October 6 at 9:30am-10:30am

    Come experience the healing vibrations of sound with Jenna Dyer of Mystic Waves. Jenna will be using crystal bowls and various instruments to create a unique Sound Bath. A full body meditative experience, bringing you to a state of deep relaxation.

    Please wear comfortable clothing. Chairs will be provided or feel free to bring a mat or cushion to lay or sit on. You can also bring a journal if you’d like to record anything that comes up for you in the meditation. 

    Jenna is one of Psychic Medium Witch's resident practitioners. She finds joy in spreading light and love and practices magic, tarot, sound baths, and the healing arts. Her passion for healing and assisting others to feel grounded, loved, and at home has led her to her reiki practice. She is a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner and Tarot Reader. Follow Jenna here

  • Magical Spellwriting with Joyce Lee and Leigh Ann Romano Rogers

    Magical Spellwriting with Joyce Lee and Leigh Ann Romano Rogers

    Thursday, October 10 at 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Make your dreams come alive in this Magical Spellwriting workshop blending creative writing techniques with magical techniques. Learn how to write more than affirmations, but craft spells to make your intentions vivid with life and magic!

    Taught by the power duo, Joyce Lee and Leigh Ann Romano Rogers.

    Joyce Lee has her Masters of Fine Arts in Poetry and Creative Writing and has a lifetime of teaching experience, in addition to being a internationally touring Slam Poet, a professional storyteller on WNYC’s Snap Judgment, an adjunct professor of Literature, a mentor at the Minnesota Prison Writing Program and the Minnesota Book Festival. She is the founder of Soul Camp and is visiting the Bay Area from Minnesota for one week only. Don’t miss her! Follow Joyce here.

    Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA is a professional psychic, tarot reader, medium, and witch. She has her Masters Degree in Psychology, is a former counselor and college professor, artist and writer. Leigh Ann is the owner of Psychic Medium Witch.

  • Introduction to Charm Casting

    Introduction to Charm Casting with Kerstie Pederson

    Friday, October 11 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    This class will introduce beginners to the fun and creative world of charm casting.

    Charm casting involves casting or tossing a set of objects, often charms, onto a surface and interpreting their positions and symbolism. It’s a practice steeped in history and is found throughout various cultures. Charm casting can be a fun and personal way to let your intuition guide you in your divination practice.

    Known for her exceptional ability to connect with spirits, energies, and the unseen world from a very young age, Kerstie exhibited a remarkable talent for identifying spirits and understanding their energies. Her innate ability to move energies and work with the divine has propelled her into a fulfilling journey of psychic mediumship, healing and spiritual guidance. Kerstie is one of Psychic Medium Witch's resident practitioners. Learn more about Kerstie at www.owlmoons.com

  • Meet Your Companion Spirit Guide with Aisha Subia

    Meet Your Companion Spirit Guide with Aisha Subia

    Saturday, October 12 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Familiars, also meaning "close friend" or companion, are spiritual guardians that protect and assist witches in their practice of magic, divination, and spiritual insight.

    Come learn about familiars and meet an animal companion in this fun and interactive workshop!

    Aisha is one of Psychic Medium Witch's resident practitioners and is a spiritual life coach, tarot reader, eclectic witch, and medium. She is the founder of My Sacred Bridge and her focus is on helping people build the bridge between their physical self and their higher self. Learn more about Aisha at www.mysacredbridge.com

  • 1:1 Psychic Readings and Healings with Visiting Psychic, Christine Tavolacci

    1:1 Psychic Readings and Healings with Visiting Psychic, Christine Tavolacci

    Thursday - Saturday, October 17 -19 from 11:00am - 6:00pm

    Choose between three different types of one-on-one psychic readings and healings with Christine.

    In a past life reading you will explore the energy and patterns of your incarnations as a whole, as well as at least one lifetime that Spirit wishes to highlight right now. Healing, clearing, and integration will take place on a spirit level, and next steps will be communicated.

    A psychic intuitive reading can include but is not limited to the following: A reading of your current energy field, What energies and self-care practices can assist you at this time, Messages from your Guides & Higher Self, Answer "burning" questions you may have.

    An Intuitive Reading and Trance Medium Healing offers the blend of an intuitive reading and trancemedium healing. Trance Medium Healings are spirit-to-spirit healings at a high frequency, which allow you the opportunity to release stubborn or stagnant energy, feel replenished, and own your space on a deeper level.

    Christine Tavolacci (she/her), owner of Kyanite Psychic Services, is a clairvoyant reader, trance medium healer, psychic development teacher, professional musician, creative, free spirit and eternal student. You can find her online at kyanitepsychic.com and on social media platforms @kyanitepsychic.

  • Reading and Healing Past Lives with visiting psychic Christine Tavolacci

    Reading and Healing Past Lives with visiting psychic Christine Tavolacci

    Friday, October 18 at 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Join Christine Tavolacci, Visiting Psychic from LA, in this exciting workshop, Come gather on the Full Moon to discover your past lives! 🔮🌕💫

    This dynamic workshop is designed for practitioners of all skill levels who want to learn how to read the energy of other lifetimes to be able to offer past life readings & healings to their clients and community!

    You will learn how to work with energy tools to promote clarity in your reading space, a basic structure to easily connect with the energy of other lifetimes, fundamental aspects of past life healing, and how to work in partnership with Spirit to perform past life healings on yourself and others. This workshop will include a hands-on practice session for all attendees and access to supplemental study materials.

    Christine Tavolacci (she/her), owner of Kyanite Psychic Services, is a clairvoyant reader, trance medium healer, psychic development teacher, professional musician, creative, free spirit and eternal student. It is her goal to connect you to your heart, build trust in your intuition and to support you in breaking through energetic and spiritual blocks so that you can live authentically. You can find her online at kyanitepsychic.com and on social media platforms @kyanitepsychic.

  • Reading and Healing the Aura with visiting psychic Christine Tavolacci

    Reading and Healing the Aura with visiting psychic Christine Tavolacci

    Saturday, October 19 at 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Join Christine Tavolacci, Visiting Psychic from LA, in this exciting workshop, READING & HEALING THE AURA! Your aura is your energetic universe! It regulates information that you send and receive from the world around you.

    In this workshop, you will learn about the aura and its relationship to the rest of your energetic body, as well as fun and effective ways to work in partnership with Spirit to perform aura readings and healings for yourself and others. This workshop will include a hands-on practice session for all attendees and access to supplemental study materials.

    Christine Tavolacci (she/her), owner of Kyanite Psychic Services, is a clairvoyant reader, trance medium healer, psychic development teacher, professional musician, creative, free spirit and eternal student. It is her goal to connect you to your heart, build trust in your intuition and to support you in breaking through energetic and spiritual blocks so that you can live authentically. You can find her online at kyanitepsychic.com and on social media platforms @kyanitepsychic.

  • Dream Incubation Rituals for Insight, Guidance, and Manifestation with Désirée Eckert

    Dream Incubation Rituals for Insight, Guidance, and Manifestation with Désirée Eckert

    Sunday, October 20 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Your dreams are a direct line to your subconscious mind, higher self, and the cosmos. This workshop will guide you to building an interactive, collaborative relationship with your subconscious and higher self using your sleep and dreams as the vehicle.

    You will learn:

    • How to use your dreams as an oracle for guidance on waking life issues

    • How to influence dreams via the senses with sound, scent, and taste

    • A detailed, step-by-step dream incubation ritual

    Then, you’ll be guided in a hypnosis session to take everything you learned even deeper into your mind and spirit and set intentions for upcoming dreams. Attendees will leave with digital goodie bag filled with free hypnosis tracks for lucid dreaming and sleep rituals, plus the ebook, “Scented Dreams”.

    Désirée is a hypnotist and hypnosis instructor practicing and teaching intuitive hypnosis that is grounded in neuroscience. She trains healers and spiritual practitioners in a future-focused framework that complements and elevates their work. Discover more at www.desmerized.com

  •  Evil Eye and Cord Cutting with Leigh Ann Romano Rogers

    Evil Eye and Cord Cutting with Leigh Ann Romano Rogers

    Friday, October 25 at 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Belief in the evil eye is a cross-cultural phenomena found throughout Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and more. But what exactly is it?

    The evil eye is a curse given, usually unintentionally, by casting a jealous or malicious toward another, causing them a sudden headache, illness, or other misfortune. It is thought to be important to guard your successes and to protect yourself during times of greatest achievement unless you unknowingly inspire the evil eye to direct misfortune toward you.

    There are many different kinds of evil eye amulets, talismans, gestures, phrases and prayers, which are all meant as protection against the curse. These amulets adorn doorways, entrances, burial sites, providing protection, health, rejuvenation, and a guiding eye to all who entered.

    But what can you do once you feel afflicted? Cord cutting can be used to sever ties between you and others, freeing you from any malicious energy. In this workshop we will learn about the evil eye, learn protection, and well as cleansing methods to keep your energy free and clear of outside influence.

    Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA, (she/her) is a professional tarot reader, psychic medium, Italian witch, and the owner of Psychic Medium Witch, LLC, a metaphysical shop in Walnut Creek, CA, who provides spiritual products and services in person as well as online. You can find more at www.psychicmediumwitch.com.

  • Create Your Own Witch Grimoire with Jenna Dyer

    Create Your Own Witch Grimoire with Jenna Dyer

    Saturday, October 26 at 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Starting to practice magic?

    A Grimoire is a witches book that contains any type of magical information. Spells, ingredients, herbs, crystals and their uses and correspondence.

    Come decorate and start your own Grimoire! We’ll add the first few pages, learn some of the history of Grimoire and come up with ideas to add to yours to help you continue your magical journey!

    *Please bring a notebook that means something to you, if you don’t have that, optional notebooks will be provided.

    Jenna is one of Psychic Medium Witch's resident practitioners. She finds joy in spreading light and love and practices magic, tarot, sound baths, and the healing arts. Her passion for healing and assisting others to feel grounded, loved, and at home has led her to her reiki practice. She is a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner and Tarot Reader. Follow Jenna here

  • Walnut Creek Witch Ride


    Grab your hat and broom, dust off your bike and join us for a fun easy witch bike ride! 🧙🏼‍♀️🚲💫✨

    We will gather for an easy 10 minute bike ride, starting at Rooted for some witch brew ☕️ (aka coffee), and heading to the Psychic Medium Witch.

    Start at Rooted: 1941 Oak Park Blvd #10, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

    Finish at Psychic Medium Witch: 1555 Palos Verdes Mall, Walnut Creek, CA 94597.

    Decorate your bike and yourself with Halloween inspired decor and your best witch costume! 🧙🏼‍♀️🚲🎃👻

    Prize for best costume/bike decor. 🏆 

    There will be raffles and opportunities to donate on-site!! Show proof of a donation (any amount) to our chosen charity to be entered to win a prize basket. 🛍️🎁

    This charity event benefits the Bay Area Crisis Nursery. The Bay Area Crisis Nursery (BACN) was established in 1981. BACN's ultimate goal is that all children are safe, healthy, and thrive both emotionally and physically. Our mission is simple, yet powerful, to prevent child abuse and neglect through providing supportive services to families. They provide a warm, safe, loving homelike care facility. Learn more about them here.


Discounted Festival Passes Available!!

Choose between two levels of Festival Passes* to take advantage of a discount!!
Get 4 events for the price of 3 at 25% off with our regular festival pass or Buy our VIP Festival Pass and save $111 on 10 paid events and be entered into a Raffle for a FREE One Hour Tarot Reading (valued at $222)!!

*Passes do not apply to free events*