The Color Green

Featured in mindbodygreen. Read the press article here.


What does the color green symbolize?

The color green falls in the middle of the visible light spectrum.  You might recognize it as the “G” in the center of the acronym used to represent the color spectrum, “ROY G. BIV.” Because of this, our eyes are most sensitive to the color green, we are able to differentiate shades of green more than any other color, and it requires very little effort for our eyes to see it, making it feel very restful to our eyes.  

The color green is the most common color in the natural world.  Even the word green comes from the root word meaning “grass” and “to grow.” It is associated with nature, plants, trees, and grasses, and its most common correspondence therefore is peace, quiet, calm, and relaxation, something many of us feel automatically and subconsciously when outdoors.  Because of this, it can also be associated with optimism, hopefulness, harmony and balance.  

The color green is associated with fresh, healthy foods like salads and vegetables, and therefore symbolizes life, health, vitality, and well-being.  The largest contributor to the green of nature and healthy foods comes from chlorophyll, the chemical which plants use for photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy.  These natural associations with green, bringing the energy of the sun into the earth and our bodies, increasing health and wellness is something that all of our subconscious minds naturally know.  

The green of nature and fertile, verdant fields for cattle to graze or crops to grow was traditionally associated with wealth, abundance, and prosperity as well as drawing good fortune and luck.  The luck of the Irish and four leaf clovers, or the shamrock are associated with green.  Green is the color of money in the United States and is therefore often used in money magic for that reason as well.  

Since green is associated with fertility and growth, it also corresponds to all things associated with Spring, including babies, and it is therefore often used for fertility and pregnancy magic, as well as youthfulness, renewal and rebirth. The Romans associated the color green with the Goddess Venus, who is commonly known as the goddess of love, but who also presides over gardens, vegetables and vineyards. There are ten different words in Latin for varieties of green. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the color of clothing showed a person's social rank and profession. Green was worn by merchants, bankers, the gentry and their families, people who were wealthy but not noble. The Mona Lisa wears the color green.  

The Ancient Egyptian god Osiris, ruler of the underworld and of rebirth and regeneration, was often shown with a green face. The stone malachite was ground up to create a green paint pigment used for art as well as makeup.  It was worn for protection by both the living and the dead.  A paintbox with malachite pigment was found inside the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Tombs also often contained small green amulets in the shape of scarab beetles made of malachite, which would protect and give vitality to the deceased, assisting with rebirth in the afterlife. 

What does green mean in love?

In ancient Rome, the color green was associated with the Goddess Venus, the goddess of love.  The heart chakra is also commonly thought to vibrate with the color green.  It is associated with love, family, friendship, community, compassion, understanding, sharing, sincerity, and devotion.  In medieval times, green represented love or the youthfulness of a virgin.  

Green is commonly thought to connect with optimism, hopefulness, harmony and balance, and can be called upon to promote those qualities in love and relationships.  If you want an abundant love, a love that is fertile and always growing, a vital love that doesn’t fade, a love that is always renewed and reborn, a love that lasts as long as the grass is green, then associate the color green with your love and relationships.  

What does green mean in dreams?

Color symbolism is heavily tied to culture and the subconscious mind on a collective level, but it can also be heavily tied to personal experiences, especially emotionally laden personal experiences.  Because dreams are so personal, I have been taught that every symbol in a dream is representative of a part of self.  

So, seeing green in a dream may harken to a collective understanding of the color, and suggest a desire for progress, growth, or moving forward, or conversely, a need for calmness, comfort or stability in one's life, or any other collective understanding of the color green. 

However, it may also be tied to a specific personal memory or experience associated with the color green, or a place associated with green that is tied to an emotional memory.  The best person to interpret the symbols in your dreams is always you or someone who knows you well.    

What does green mean in Feng shui?

In Feng Shui, green corresponds to the element of wood, representing new beginnings, cooperation and growth.  It is associated with family and ancestors (east) and abundance (southeast) areas of the ba gua.  

In the Ba Gua, or energy Map of your home, you can work with the Color green and the Wood element in the East and Southeast areas of your home. As you enter your home from the North (front door area) and continue your way to the East (or left side of the home) you find the sector associated with family, ancestors and new beginnings. Use Green when you are needing to start a new project, want to start a new family, to work with your loved ones or bring nurturing to your home.  

As you travel further into your home, (the back left corner) or Southeast area of your home, you find the center of wealth and abundance. Use the color Green in this area of your home to activate and enhance abundance and prosperity. Using round leafed plants or money trees, water features, crystals such as pyrite or citrine will also help with welcome in more abundance and activate this energy in your home. 

What does the color green represent in the chakras?

Not only is green found at the center of the visible light spectrum, but it is also associated with the middle of the chakra system running from the base of the spine to the top of the head, or the heart chakra, as well as the middle layer of the aura, projected out from the heart chakra.  

When spinning properly, each chakra allows Qi energy to flow through the body. The heart chakra is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras, connecting the spiritual to the earthly plane.   It is the balance or anchor for the other chakras.  

The heart chakra is associated with green and serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words, unconditional love, and connection. 

Physically, the heart chakra is connected to the thymus gland, as well as the lymphs, lungs and lung tissue, thyroid, heart, spine and chest.  A balanced heart chakra is associated with a healthy immune response, in addition to emotional and social qualities such as open communication, listening and sensitivity, intuition, truth, and love.  

What does it mean to have a green personality or green aura

The fourth layer of the aura is projected out from the heart chakra and is associated with the ways in which you give and receive love, relationships, and connections to community.  

It is connected to the thymus gland, which is located in the chest, between the lungs, just in front of and above the heart.  The thymus makes white blood cells called T lymphocytes or T cells, an important part of the body's immune system, which helps to fight infection.  

So, a green aura and a healthy heart chakra, is said to be associated with physical health and the overall immune system response, which can be strengthened by feeling compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, self-understanding.  

A green aura can be associated with healers and those whose professions involve love, connection, and healthy vulnerability.  It is associated with harmony and balance in relationships, openness to flow.  

What are ways to work with the color green?

In order to draw the positive feelings associated with the color green into your life, you can wear green clothing, or add pops of green accessories to your outfit.  Grab a green purse or a set of green earrings to feel alive and energized.  

You can also decorate with the color green to help you create a sanctuary from stress.  Adding plants to your home office or your desk at work, or green decor to your workspace can draw happy and harmonious energy toward you.  Your subconscious mind will naturally associate feelings of peace and relaxation to your workspace.  It can help you feel rejuvenated and restored.  You can paint walls with green in spaces you want to feel a sense of serenity, openness or abundance.  

You can intentionally choose green gemstones for jewelry or home decor.  Adorn yourself or your home with crystals such as malachite, emerald, green tourmaline, jade, or peridot.  

What are some negative associations/meanings with the color green?

Not all shades of green are seen as positive.  You might immediately associate a yellowish-green color with illness or feeling sick to your stomach.  Being “green around the gills” indicates a feeling of nausea.   Green is also associated with poisons such as arsenic.  

“Green around the ears” is a phrase used to describe anyone young or inexperienced, which probably derives from the association with immature or unripe fruit.  

“Green with envy” or feelings of shame or replusion can be associated with green. The expression "green-eyed monster" was first used by William Shakespeare in Othello: "it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on." Shakespeare also used it in the Merchant of Venice, speaking of "green-eyed jealousy".

Green is sometimes also associated with greed or selfishness, a trait that can sometimes come with wealth or societal power.  In the 15th century Saint Wolfgang and the Devil painting by Michael Pacher, the Devil is green. Poets such as Chaucer also drew connections between the color green and the devil. 

Read the press feature on Mind Body Green featuring Leigh Ann.

© Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA is the owner of Psychic Medium Witch, LLC, a metaphysical shop in Walnut Creek, CA. She has her Masters Degree in Psychology and offers spiritual services full time, both online and in person. Find her at  


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