Witches are the original keepers of wisdom connecting the energy of both the spiritual and earthly experiences. Witches go by many different names all over the world. Witches are the Seers, Healers, High Priestesses/Priests, Shamans and Herbalists. Are you Highly Sensitive, Intuitive and/or Empathic? Do you sense that you have abilities, but struggle to fully accept your gifts, share them with your friends and family and use them the way they are intended? Your gifts are your birthright and are meant to help bring more light, love and healing to the world. Discover why we fear our own power and abilities and how we can nurture our innate gifts and cultivate them to serve ourselves, our families and the greater good.
At this event you will learn about The Witch Wound and the simple, daily practices to help you heal, including Reiki, Somatic Therapy and Neuroplasticity techniques. Healing The Witch Wound will allow your abilities to begin to integrate into your physical and energetic body, so that you may feel empowered to share your gifts as they were intended. Finally, discover what kind of witch you might be, begin to build an altar (or add to yours) and find safety in a magical community.
Join Fiona Fletcher, MA Counseling Psychology, Reiki Practitioner and expert in the trait of The Highly Sensitive Person at this informative and supportive event. You will have the opportunity to take a self-quiz about the trait and learn more about both the sensory challenges and the gifts associated with this unique and special trait. Then you will be invited to experience some deeply supportive and healing Self-Reiki that you can use at home, at work or in the car for whenever your sensitive nervous system is feeling overwhelmed.
To learn more about Fiona Fletcher, please visit her website at www.reiki-for-healing.com