Belief in the evil eye is a cross-cultural phenomena found throughout Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and more. But what exactly is it?
The evil eye is a curse given, usually unintentionally, by casting a jealous or malicious toward another, causing them a sudden headache, illness, or other misfortune. It is thought to be important to guard your successes and to protect yourself during times of greatest achievement unless you unknowingly inspire the evil eye to direct misfortune toward you.
There are many different kinds of evil eye amulets, talismans, gestures, phrases and prayers, which are all meant as protection against the curse. These amulets adorn doorways, entrances, burial sites, providing protection, health, rejuvenation, and a guiding eye to all who entered.
But what can you do once you feel afflicted? Cord cutting can be used to sever ties between you and others, freeing you from any malicious energy. In this workshop we will learn about the evil eye, learn protection, and well as cleansing methods to keep your energy free and clear of outside influence.
Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, MA, (she/her) is a professional tarot reader, psychic medium, Italian witch, and the owner of Psychic Medium Witch, LLC, a metaphysical shop in Walnut Creek, CA, who provides spiritual products and services in person as well as online. You can find more at